Stars to road cards and other utilities
For meetings, we use the stars to road cards. Hang them on a pin board, stick them to a wall, put them on a table and then start arranging and discussing the items in your backlog. Download the maturity cards. A set of stars to road icons are available as a Visio 2010 stencil here.
Pete and Markus’ presentation slides at the Goto Zürich Conference.
Pete and Markus compiled a paper Requirements: Head in the Clouds or Where the Rubber Meets the Road? that outlines the basic concepts of stars to road. Download pdf.
Markus held a keynote entitled the brain’s persepective on requirements engineering at the MaRK workshop at the RE ’11 in Trento. The Paper is as such relevant for stars to road, as it gives a few indications, why people should care more about collaboration and less about documentation. Download pdf.
Markus played the burn-out machine game a couple of dozen times. The game exemplifies how good and bad decisions in and around a team impact a team’s performance and can cause situations where individuals are very likely to burn out. The slides from the session at the agile breakfast in Zürich, 2019, are available to download as pdf. Rahel’s story from the UX brunch in December 2019 made it into a article.
Pete presented an experience report about Requirements Tool Selection the MaRK workshop at the RE ’11 in Trento. Understanding your requirements for your requirements tool is obviously important. Pushing vendors to prove they meet your requirements rather than showing out of the box demonstrations can save you both pain and money. Download “Can vendors tell us about User Needs“.
Pete co-authored a paper on requirements reuse which was presented at RE ’09 in Atlanta. “Feature-oriented Requirements Satisfy Needs for Reuse and Systems View” is available here.
Pete’s and Markus’ presentation Requirements: Heads in the cloud or where the rubber meets the road, held at the SAQ RE Circle in Olten, 2012. Download pdf.
Mav’s Easy Approach to Requirements Syntax presentation from RE 10 in Sydney is is available here.